Spring camps

Spring camps

Upcoming sessions
Spring camps

Join us at PinkyInc for 5 days filled with hands-on learning, discovery and FUN! All types of learners will have a blast with creative projects, team-building games, and plenty of time to explore our innovative space. From slime to robots, solar ovens to Minecraft, vacation week at PinkyInc will be a STEAM-tastic adventure!

Our Approach

PinkyInc students will work as a team, and in smaller groups of teams, as well as individually. We want students to choose something they are interested in, and build something out of it. They do this together, as well as by themselves. We also want to teach students how to communicate effectively to enhance productivity and efficiency. Not only STEAM skills are important in today’s society, but also life skills involved in the workplace. Students are then expected to apply their learning to their outside lives.

Programming robots, building cars powered by carbon dioxide, directing and producing short films, engineering circuits, constructing architecture, designing 3D creations, among many other activities. Your child will get to explore topics and areas that will enable them to tap into their true interests, and create something they are proud of! We want students to find something they connect with and run with it! We want them to question the material they are learning! And most importantly, we want them to have an awesome time doing it!!

Daily Camp Routine
Early drop off is FREE of chargeStudents are dropped off and can play games until introductions begin.At PinkyInc, we always begin the day together, with an introduction and routine start to the day. We are a close team, and want to encourage a positive environment. Teachers will lead "ice-breaker" games for students to get to know the PinkyInc camp crew and other students. Announcements are made, and then we break for activities together, as a team.Students are grouped by age level, and assigned to a STEAM station. Teachers will model and guide students through a lesson regarding science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. This is the perfect time for students to be inquisitive and curious about their topic. Snacks are provided by PinkyInc, or brought in by students. During this time, we have guest speakers from the technology and engineering world come to talk about what they do for work. Students are encouraged to ask questions and chat with the speakers. On days without a speaker, teachers will show short videos connecting what we do at camp, to the real world.Students choose an activity they are interested in learning more about, and spend some time with our teachers to engage in a project. Students are also placed into teams and given a task to complete together. They are to apply what they have learned, and collaborate to create working solutions.Students are given time to continue working on the project they began during free choice time, or they have the opportunity to create something new. In the teams created, students participate in a fun and engaging competition.At PinkyInc, we always end the day together. During our closure, we present the award winners throughout the day, and hand out prizes. Students are given something to think about while at home, and we will talk about this the following day. Students also collect their work and pack up.While students wait for their rides, they can watch the video, interact with others, or continue working on their projects.Students are grouped by age level, and assigned their second STEAM station. Teachers will model and guide students through a lesson regarding science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. This is the perfect time for students to be inquisitive and curious about their topic. Students are placed into teams and given a task to complete together. They are to apply what they have learned, and collaborate to create working solutions.In the teams created, students participate in a fun and engaging competition.Break time! Students will eat a snack provided by PinkyInc, or brought from home. Students are encouraged to interact with others and chat about their learning so far.At the beginning of each day, students are presented with a daily challenge. They are to think about this throughout the day, and come up with an answer. At PinkyInc, we always end the day together. During our closure, we present the award winners throughout the day, and hand out prizes. Students are given something to think about while at home, and we will talk about this the following day. Students also collect their work and pack up.While students wait for their rides, they can watch the video, interact with others, or continue working on their projects.Late pick up Late Pickup is $20 per child / per pick upDownload